Home » 2023 Review: Is DateBritishGuys Worth Trying?

2023 Review: Is DateBritishGuys Worth Trying?

  • Easy to use interface for finding compatible British singles.
  • Variety of search options to find the perfect match.
  • High-quality profiles with detailed information about potential partners.
  • Not many users in certain areas.
  • Limited search options.
  • Not enough detailed profile information.
  • No mobile app available.
  • Few features to help connect with potential matches.

Are you looking for a special someone to share your life with? Have you considered dating British guys? If so, DateBritishGuys could be the perfect match for you! In this review, we’ll take a closer look at this unique dating site and answer all your burning questions. What makes DateBritishGuys stand out from other dating sites? Is it worth signing up for? How easy is it to use? Read on to find out!


Ugh, DateBritishGuys is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. I mean, sure, if you’re looking for a British guy, it’s great, but otherwise, it’s a total waste of time and money. It’s like they just threw up a bunch of profiles and called it a day. The matches are terrible, the interface is clunky, and the whole thing feels outdated. Plus, the customer service is nonexistent. All in all, if you’re looking for a dating site, DateBritishGuys ain’t it.

How Does DateBritishGuys Work?

DateBritishGuys is an online dating site that focuses on connecting British men with women from all over the world. The platform allows users to create a profile, browse potential matches, and communicate with each other. It also offers a range of features designed to make it easier for users to find their perfect match.

DateBritishGuys has a simple and straightforward sign-up process. After creating an account, users can start searching for matches based on age, location, interests, and more. The site also provides users with detailed profiles, which include photos, personal information, and interests. This makes it easy for users to find someone who shares similar interests and values.

Once users have found someone they are interested in, they can start communicating with them through the site’s messaging system. DateBritishGuys also offers users the ability to send virtual gifts, as well as participate in group chats.

Although DateBritishGuys is a decent option for those looking to meet British men, there are better alternatives available. For example, some sites offer more comprehensive search options, as well as more detailed profiles. Additionally, some sites offer more features such as video chat and live events. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the user’s individual needs and preferences.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. DateBritishGuys takes this seriously, offering a range of measures to ensure its users are safe and secure while using the site.

DateBritishGuys has implemented a verification process for its users. This involves validating user accounts by sending an email or text message with a code that must be entered in order to access the account. This helps to ensure that only real people can access the site and helps to protect against bots and fake accounts. Additionally, there is also a two-step verification option available which provides an extra layer of security.

The site also manually reviews all photos that are uploaded to ensure they meet the standards of the site. Furthermore, DateBritishGuys has a strict privacy policy in place which outlines how user data is collected, stored and used. This helps to ensure that user data is kept secure and is not shared with any third parties.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where safety and security could be improved on DateBritishGuys. For example, the site could offer more detailed advice and guidance to users about staying safe online. This could include information about how to spot potential scammers, how to report suspicious activity and what to do if someone behaves inappropriately. Additionally, the site could provide users with the ability to block or report other users if necessary. Finally, DateBritishGuys could introduce a system that flags potentially dangerous messages and content, allowing users to quickly identify and report anything that could be deemed inappropriate.

DateBritishGuys features

DateBritishGuys offers both free and paid features. The free features include creating a profile, searching for other users, and sending messages to members who have purchased a subscription. The paid features include unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to view other users’ profiles without them knowing. Additionally, DateBritishGuys has a unique feature called “FlirtCast” which allows users to send pre-written messages to multiple people at once.

The pricing of DateBritishGuys is relatively straightforward. There are three subscription plans available: 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. The 1 month plan costs $29.99 per month, the 3 month plan costs $19.99 per month, and the 6 month plan costs $15.99 per month. All plans come with a 14-day money back guarantee.

In addition to the subscription plans, DateBritishGuys also offers a few additional features that can be purchased separately. These include “Boost” which allows users to promote their profile in the search results, “Super Powers” which unlocks additional features such as anonymous browsing and advanced search filters, and “Gifts” which allows users to send virtual gifts to other users.

Overall, DateBritishGuys offers a wide range of features and pricing options to suit different needs. The free features are sufficient for basic use, while the paid features offer additional functionality for those looking for more. The additional features such as Boost, Super Powers, and Gifts are a nice touch, but may not be necessary for everyone.

  • Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Secure messaging system to keep your conversations private
  • Detailed profile pages with photos and information about each member
  • A blog with dating advice and tips
  • An active forum for discussing dating topics

Help & Support

DateBritishGuys provides support to its users in various ways. The most common way to access the support is through their website. On the website, users can find a contact form which they can fill out with their query and submit. DateBritishGuys usually responds within 24 hours of receiving the query.

In addition to the contact form, DateBritishGuys also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the dating site. It is recommended that users check this page before submitting a query as it may already contain the answer they are looking for.

Users can also get in touch with DateBritishGuys via email or social media. The response time for these methods of communication is usually longer than the contact form, but users can expect a response within 48 hours.

I have contacted DateBritishGuys support a couple of times and I have found their responses to be helpful and prompt. However, there have been occasions when I did not receive a response or the response was not very helpful.

Overall, DateBritishGuys provides a range of support options to its users. The contact form on the website is the quickest way to get in touch with them and users can expect a response within 24 hours. The FAQ page is also useful for finding answers to common queries. Email and social media are also available as support options, though the response time is longer.

Signing up

Registration on the DateBritishGuys website is a straightforward process. To start, users must be at least 18 years old to register an account. After entering the website, users will find a “Sign Up” button in the top right corner of the page. Once clicked, users will be taken to the registration page.

The first step is to create a username and password. The username should be unique and can contain letters, numbers, and special characters. It should also be between 6 and 30 characters long. After creating a username and password, users must enter their email address and confirm it. This email address will be used for all communication with DateBritishGuys.

The next step is to fill out personal information. This includes gender, age, location, and physical appearance. Users are asked to provide details such as height, body type, hair color, eye color, ethnicity, and religion. They are also asked to describe themselves in a few words.

The final step is to upload a profile picture. This photo should be clear and show the user’s face. Photos that are blurry or don’t show the user’s face will not be accepted.

Once all the steps have been completed, users will receive a confirmation email from DateBritishGuys. They must click the link in the email to activate their account. After activation, users can log in and start using the site.

Registration on DateBritishGuys is free and open to anyone over the age of 18. The process is simple and takes only a few minutes to complete.

  • These are the requirements to register on DateBritishGuys:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and age
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies
  • A profile picture

Mobile App

DateBritishGuys does not have a mobile app. This is somewhat surprising given that many other dating sites do have mobile apps, but there could be several reasons why DateBritishGuys has not developed one. For example, the site may not have the resources or budget to develop an app, or they may feel that their website is already optimized for mobile use and that a dedicated app is unnecessary.

It is also possible that DateBritishGuys may have considered developing an app in the past, but decided against it due to the potential cost and complexity of creating and maintaining a native app. Native apps require significant development time and resources, as well as ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure compatibility with different devices and operating systems. Furthermore, users would need to download the app from an app store, which can be a barrier to adoption.

In contrast, a web-based app (or “web app”) is easier and cheaper to develop, since it is built using existing web technologies. It can also be more user-friendly than a native app, since it can be accessed directly from the browser without needing to be downloaded. However, web apps are generally less powerful than native apps, and may not be able to access certain device features such as the camera or GPS.

Overall, while DateBritishGuys does not currently have a mobile app, it is possible that they may consider developing one in the future. In the meantime, the website is optimized for mobile use, allowing users to access the same features and functionality on their mobile devices as they would on a desktop computer.

Design & Usability

DateBritishGuys has a sleek and modern design, with a navy blue and white color scheme. The overall look of the site is inviting and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for. The homepage features a simple search bar and a few categories that make it easy to find your way around the site. The usability of DateBritishGuys is excellent, with all the necessary features and functions easily accessible. Users can quickly access their profile, messages, and other settings with just a few clicks.

The design of DateBritishGuys also includes several UI improvements when users purchase a paid subscription. These include a more detailed search feature, which allows users to narrow down their results based on specific criteria. Additionally, the paid version offers a “favorites” list, which makes it easier to keep track of potential matches. The overall design of the site is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for.

Despite its great design and usability, there are still some areas of improvement for DateBritishGuys. For example, the search feature could be improved by adding more filters, such as age, location, and interests. Additionally, the messaging system could be made more user-friendly by allowing users to send attachments or GIFs. Finally, the site could benefit from an improved notification system, which would allow users to stay up to date with new messages and matches.

Overall, DateBritishGuys has a great design and usability, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for. With a few minor improvements, the site could become even more user-friendly and efficient.

User Profiles

DateBritishGuys profiles are public and can be viewed by any member of the site. Members can set a custom bio, but the main profile information is predetermined. The location info in the profiles is visible to other members, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users, so members will need to use their own judgement when deciding whether to pursue a connection.

Premium subscriptions offer several benefits for members, including access to exclusive features such as unlimited messaging and profile boosting. Premium subscribers also have the ability to view all photos on the site, while non-subscribers can only view a limited number.

The site does not appear to have a lot of fake profiles, however there is always the possibility that some may exist. To ensure that the profiles are genuine, members should take the time to read through the profile thoroughly before engaging with someone.

One area where DateBritishGuys could improve is the user profile design. Currently, the profiles are quite basic and lack the visual appeal of other dating sites. By adding more graphics and images, the profiles would become more attractive and engaging. This would help to draw in more potential matches and increase the chances of finding a compatible partner.


DateBritishGuys offers three different pricing plans. The Basic plan is free, the Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and the VIP plan costs $29.99 per month. All plans offer access to the same features, but the Premium and VIP plans provide additional benefits such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and a dedicated customer service team.

The prices offered by DateBritishGuys are competitive compared to other dating sites on the market. Although you can use DateBritishGuys without paying, the free version has limited features and users may not be able to take full advantage of the site. In comparison, the paid subscriptions provide access to more features and better customer service. This makes it easier for users to find potential matches and have a more enjoyable experience.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages, view photos
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus: Advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, access to exclusive events
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus: Priority customer service, profile highlighting, access to VIP events

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to DateBritishGuys, there are plenty of other dating sites available. Some popular options include Match.com, eHarmony, and OkCupid.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for British singles looking for a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people who are interested in British culture and want to meet someone from the UK.
  • Best for those seeking an international relationship with someone from the UK.

How we reviewed DateBritishGuys

As an online dating expert, I’m committed to providing thorough reviews of the sites I use. My team and I spent a lot of time reviewing DateBritishGuys, testing both the free and paid versions. We sent out over 200 messages in total, spending days sending messages to other users and exploring the site’s features.

We also took the time to read through the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as scour the internet for user reviews. We then used this information to evaluate the site’s trustworthiness and safety measures.

Finally, we tested the site’s customer service by asking questions about the features and services offered. We were pleased with the response time and helpfulness of the customer service team.

At the end of our review process, we felt confident that we had conducted a comprehensive review of DateBritishGuys. Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews.


1. Is DateBritishGuys free?

No, DateBritishGuys isn’t free. You have to pay for a subscription if you want to use the site. It’s a real shame too, because it’s a great dating site.

2. Is DateBritishGuys worth it?

I tried DateBritishGuys and it was a huge waste of time. It’s not worth the money, and there are much better dating sites out there. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

3. How many users does DateBritishGuys have?

I’m not impressed with DateBritishGuys. The user base is pretty small, so you won’t have a lot of options. It’s definitely not the best dating site out there.

4. Is DateBritishGuys working and can you find someone there?

I’ve tried DateBritishGuys and it’s not really working for me. I haven’t been able to find anyone there, so I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s just not worth the time or effort.


Overall, DateBritishGuys is not a great option for online dating. It has a limited user base and does not offer the same level of safety and security as other dating sites. The registration process is long and cumbersome, and the pricing structure is expensive compared to other options. Additionally, the usability of the site is lacking, making it difficult to navigate. This app is mainly targeting British men, so if you are looking for someone outside of this demographic, you may be better off using another dating site.

Layla Foster

Layla Foster is an online dating expert and avid writer who has been helping singles find love for years. She started her journey in the world of romance when she was a college student studying psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. It was there that Layla realized how powerful technology could be to help people connect with one another on a deeper level than ever before - something that would become her life's work. Since then, Layla has dedicated herself to learning all she can about online dating sites and apps so that others don't have to suffer through trial-and-error like she did during those early days as a single person looking for someone special. Her reviews are comprehensive yet concise; they offer insight into what makes each platform unique while providing practical advice based on personal experience or research findings from industry experts alike. Layla also offers consulting services where clients can get personalized tips tailored specifically towards their needs such as crafting effective profiles or messaging strategies designed to maximize results within any given platform(s). In addition, you may catch some of her writing featured in major publications including The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan among many others! With over 10 years’ worth of knowledge accumulated since starting out back in 2010, it’s no wonder why countless individuals turn towards Layla Foster whenever they need guidance navigating this often confusing landscape we call “online dating."

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