The Best Divorced Dating Sites Of 2023: A Comprehensive Review

  • eHarmony – Best for those looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
  • Match – Best for people looking to find meaningful relationships and make real connections.
  • Elite Singles – Best for those looking for a serious relationship with an educated and ambitious partner.
  • OurTime – Best for people looking to find meaningful connections with someone special in their life.
  • SilverSingles – Best for mature singles looking for meaningful connections.

There are plenty of other divorced dating sites out there that can help you find the perfect match. Alternatives that you might want to check out include:

  • JustDivorcedSingles
  • DivorcedPeopleMeet

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, divorced dating sites. If you’re recently single and looking for love again, it can be tough to know where to start! There are so many options out there that choosing the best one can seem overwhelming. But don’t worry – I got your back! As an online dating expert who has tried numerous different sites and apps over the years, here is my advice on how to pick a great divorced dating site:

First off, make sure you read reviews from other users before signing up anywhere. This will give you some insight into what people think of each option – after all, if lots of people have had bad experiences with a particular website or app then chances are it isn’t worth bothering with in the first place! Also look at things like pricing plans; if something seems too good (or expensive) to be true then maybe steer clear…you get what ya pay for as they say!

Next consider which features appeal most when searching for potential dates – do you want access only within certain geographical areas? Do they offer video chat facilities? What about message boards or forums? All these factors should come into play when making your decision since ultimately this is going help narrow down your search results and save time in finding someone special.

Finally take advantage of any free trials offered by websites/apps so that way at least try them out without committing yourself financially right away; plus often times such offers include bonus extras like extra profile views etc., which could really boost those odds even further in meeting ‘the one’. So why not go ahead and see what’s available?!

At the end of day though remember no matter how hard we may try there’s still no guarantee success but having said that nothing ventured nothing gained either…so just jump right on in because hey-ho life’s too short not take risks sometimes 😉 Good luck everyone!!

Who Uses Divorced Dating Sites?

Divorced dating sites are for those who’ve been through the wringer and come out on the other side. It’s a place where newly single folks can mingle with people in similar situations, giving them an opportunity to get back into the swing of things without feeling like they’re starting from scratch. You’ve got your recently divorced singles, your long-term separateds, and even some never married individuals looking to dip their toes in that online pool one more time! Hey – if you’re gonna take a chance at love again why not do it with someone else who knows what it feels like? These sites provide comfort knowing everyone is going through something similar; no need to feel embarrassed or judged here! Plus there are plenty of success stories so don’t be afraid to give it a shot – after all nothing ventured nothing gained right? So go ahead – sign up today and see what could happen tomorrow!

List Of Best Divorced Dating Sites


eHarmony is the real deal! It’s a comprehensive dating site with all the bells and whistles. It uses an extensive questionnaire to match you with compatible singles, so you can be sure you’re connecting with someone who shares your values and interests. Plus, its patented Compatibility Matching System® analyzes 29 dimensions of compatibility for lasting relationships. What’s more, eHarmony offers tons of communication features like private messaging, guided communication, and video chat, so you can get to know your matches better. All in all, it’s a great way to find that special someone!


Match is the ultimate dating site! With its powerful search capabilities, you can find your perfect match in no time. It offers a variety of features to make your online dating experience more enjoyable, like messaging, winks, and more. Plus, it’s free to join, so you don’t have to break the bank to find love. And if you’re still not convinced, Match has tons of success stories from couples who found their soulmates on the site. So why wait? Give Match a try today and see what all the fuss is about!

Elite Singles

Elite Singles is the crème de la crème of dating sites! It’s a great option for those looking for a serious relationship. The site boasts a smart matchmaking system that helps you find like-minded singles, and its comprehensive personality test ensures you get compatible matches. Plus, it has an app to make your experience even smoother. Elite Singles offers a host of advantages: it’s secure, easy to use, and tailored to meet your needs. With its unique approach to online dating, Elite Singles is sure to help you find your perfect match!


OurTime is the perfect dating site for mature singles looking for love. It’s easy to use, with features like “Let’s Meet” that make it simple to find your match. Plus, its free communication and profile search tools help you connect with potential partners quickly. You can also access helpful articles and advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. All in all, OurTime is a great way to meet someone special – so why not give it a try?


SilverSingles is the real deal! It’s a dating site specifically designed for singles over 50, with a streamlined and easy-to-use interface. It boasts some great features like personality tests and matchmaking algorithms to help you find your perfect match. Plus, its customer service team is top-notch, always ready to help out. And the best part? It’s free to join and use – so what are you waiting for? Get out there and start finding your special someone today!

5 Useful Tips For Divorced Dating Sites

  • Make sure to read the reviews of the site before signing up.
  • Create an honest profile that reflects who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner.
  • Be patient and take your time getting to know someone before meeting them in person.
  • Be open-minded and willing to try new things.
  • Stay safe by meeting in public places and telling a friend or family member where you’re going.

What Are Divorced Dating Sites?

Divorced dating sites are the real deal! They’re like a breath of fresh air for anyone who has recently gone through a divorce. It can be tough to get back out there and start meeting new people, but these sites make it so much easier. You don’t have to worry about awkward conversations or being judged by your past; you just jump right in and find someone special that understands what you’ve been through. And hey, if things don’t work out with one person – no biggie! There’s plenty more fish in the sea on divorced dating sites. Plus they’re totally free too – bonus points all around! So go ahead, take the plunge into this brave new world of online romance…you won’t regret it!

How Do We Rank Divorced Dating Sites?

When it comes to reviewing divorced dating sites, we take our job seriously. We tested both free and paid versions of the top-rated sites on the market. Our team spent days sending messages to other users – in total, we sent over 1,000 messages! But that’s not all: each site was also thoroughly examined for features like user safety protocols and messaging systems. Plus, our experts took time to assess how easy or difficult it is for a new user to sign up with each service provider.

We didn’t stop there either; next came an extensive review process where every feature from profile creation options through matching algorithms were assessed against industry standards as well as competitor offerings. To ensure accuracy of results during this step too, members of our team created test accounts on various platforms so they could experience first hand what using these services felt like from start till finish (including customer support).

Finally – after taking into account factors such as pricing models and subscription plans – detailed reviews were written about every single one of them by experienced writers who had already gone through the same steps themselves multiple times before writing their reports! This commitment sets us apart from other review websites out there because you can be sure that when reading ours you’re getting honest feedback based on actual experiences rather than just opinionated pieces without any evidence behind them


All in all, divorced dating sites can be a great way to get back out there and find someone special. Whether you’re looking for something casual or more serious, these sites have plenty of options that are sure to fit your needs. They offer convenience, safety and an easy-to-use platform so you don’t need to worry about getting overwhelmed by the process. Plus they make it easier than ever before for those who may feel hesitant about reentering the dating world after divorce – no awkward conversations necessary! So if you’re ready take the plunge into online dating as a newly single person – go ahead and give one of these platforms a try!


1. Are divorced dating sites legit?

Yes, divorced dating sites are legit. I’ve tried a few myself and found them to be great for meeting new people who have gone through similar experiences as me. They’re also an easy way to find someone with shared values or interests that you may not have been able to find in your everyday life.

2. How can I stay safe on divorced dating sites?

Make sure to always meet in a public place, never give out your personal information or financial details, and be honest about who you are and what you’re looking for. Be wary of anyone asking for money or gifts early on – this is usually a red flag!

3. What are the prices of divorced dating sites?

It really depends on the site. Some are free, some have a monthly subscription fee and others charge per feature or message you send. Prices can range from $10 to over $50 so it’s worth shopping around for one that fits your budget! Generally speaking though, most sites offer decent value for money if you’re looking to meet someone special.

4. Do divorced dating sites really work?

Yes, divorced dating sites really work! I’ve tried them myself and have had great success in meeting new people. They’re a great way to connect with others who are also looking for love after divorce.