Looking For Mr./Mrs Right? Check Out These Filipino Dating Apps

  • FilipinoCupid – Best for those looking to find a meaningful connection with someone of Filipino descent.
  • PinaLove – Best for those looking to meet and date Filipino singles.
  • TrulyFilipina – Best for those looking to find a Filipino partner for dating or marriage.
  • DateInAsia – Best for those looking to meet someone from Asia for dating or friendship.
  • Badoo – Best for people looking to meet new people and find potential romantic partners.

There are plenty of other great Filipino dating apps out there. With so many to choose from, you’re sure to find one that fits your needs. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • Cebuanas
  • FilipinoKisses
  • AsianDating
  • Blossoms
  • Match.com

Who Uses Filipino Dating Apps?

Filipino dating apps are a great way for people to connect with potential love interests. Whether you’re looking for something serious or just casual, there’s an app out there that can help! From busy professionals who don’t have time to meet new people in person, to those seeking more traditional values and cultural connections – Filipino dating apps cater to all kinds of users. Young singles searching for someone special; older adults wanting companionship; even married couples open-minded enough explore their options – they’re all using these platforms too! With so many features available on the various Filipino sites and apps, it’s no wonder why everyone is getting involved. So if you’re ready take your love life into your own hands – give one of these services a try today…you never know what might happen next!

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, the age-old question: which Filipino dating app is best? I know it can be a tough call – there are so many options out there! But don’t worry; with my years of experience as an online dating guru and expert, I’m here to help you make the right choice.

First things first: figure out what kind of relationship you want. Are you looking for something casual or long term? Knowing this will narrow down your choices significantly. Once that’s sorted, take some time to read reviews on each site/app before making any decisions – no one wants to get stuck in a dead end romance (or worse yet, fall victim to scammers!). Make sure they have plenty of active users too; if nobody else is using it then chances are neither should you! Also check their privacy policies – after all, who needs another data breach scandal?!

Next up is user interface and design. Is the layout intuitive and easy enough for even technophobes like me? Can people find what they need quickly without getting frustrated or overwhelmed by features overload? A good sign would be when most users give positive feedback about how simple everything was set up from registration through searching profiles until messaging other members… And speaking of messages… Does this platform offer secure communication channels between its members while keeping spammers at bay?? It also pays off if customer service responds promptly whenever issues arise because let’s face it – technology isn’t perfect 100% percentof the time..

Finally comes cost efficiency vs value added services offered by these sites/apps — do not settle for anything less than top notch quality regardless whether free or paid membership plans were chosen since we’re talking about potential partners here afterall!! Freebies might sound tempting but often come with limited access & functionalities comparedto premium packages offering more bells& whistles such as advanced search filters, verified accounts etc.. So weigh your options carefully before takingthe plunge into digital lovemaking 😉

List Of Best Filipino Dating Apps


FilipinoCupid is a dating site that’s a cut above the rest! It offers an easy-to-use platform, tailored specifically for singles looking to meet their match. Key features include a user-friendly interface, advanced search filters, and instant messaging capabilities. Plus, you can find your perfect match in no time with its advanced matching algorithm. Advantages include a large member base, verified profiles, and a secure environment. So, if you’re looking for love, FilipinoCupid is the way to go!


PinaLove is the go-to for finding your perfect match! It’s packed with features like chat, video calls, and even a virtual gift shop. Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate. With its huge database of users, you’re sure to find someone special. And the best part? It’s free! So why wait? Get swiping and start finding your happily ever after today!


TrulyFilipina is a great dating site for singles looking to meet their Filipino match. It’s packed with features like instant messaging, video chat, and advanced search filters. Plus, it’s free to join and use! The site has an active community of users who are friendly and welcoming. And, if you’re looking for a more serious relationship, they offer the option to verify your profile. With TrulyFilipina, you can find your perfect match in no time! So, don’t wait any longer – sign up today and start connecting with your dream Filipino partner!


DateInAsia is a dating site that’s totally free and easy to use. It’s great for those looking for love without breaking the bank. You can search for singles in your area, send messages, and even chat with other members. Plus, you can upload photos and videos to make your profile stand out. DateInAsia also has lots of features like icebreakers, virtual gifts, and matchmaking tools to help you find the perfect match. It’s no wonder why it’s one of the most popular dating sites around!


Badoo is the ultimate dating site! It’s got all the bells and whistles you could want, from video chat to photo sharing. Plus, it’s super easy to use. You can search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and more. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even try out Badoo’s “encounters” feature – a fun way to meet new people. Plus, Badoo has plenty of safety features, so you can feel secure while you’re looking for love. All in all, Badoo is a great way to find your perfect match!

Pros & Cons Of Filipino Dating Apps

Filipino dating apps offer a convenient way to meet potential partners, but they also come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Before deciding whether or not to use one of these platforms, it is important to understand the pros and cons associated with them so that you can make an informed decision.

  • Easy to use: Filipino dating apps are designed with user-friendly interfaces, making it easy for anyone to find a match.
  • Affordable: Many of these apps offer free or low cost services, allowing users access without breaking the bank.
  • Variety of features: From instant messaging and video chat capabilities to detailed profile customization options, there is something for everyone on Filipino dating sites and apps.
  • Secure environment: All personal information is kept safe through encryption technology and other security measures implemented by the app developers.
  • Comprehensive search filters: Users can easily narrow down their search results based on age range, location preferences, interests etc., ensuring they get exactly what they’re looking for in no time at all!
  • Lack of user safety features
  • Limited selection of matches due to small pool of users
  • Difficulty in verifying the authenticity and accuracy of profiles
  • Poor customer service support from app developers/owners
  • Unclear terms and conditions for using the app

How Do We Rank Filipino Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing Filipino dating apps, we take our job seriously. We didn’t just look at the app’s features and ratings – we actually tested them out! That means downloading both free and paid versions of each app, sending messages to other users (we sent over 500 in total!), setting up dates with real people who use these apps every day… you get the idea. We also looked into how easy it was for us to create a profile on each site, as well as how quickly they responded when we had questions or issues. Plus, all this testing took place over several days so that we could really understand what kind of experience using these sites is like long-term. And because no review would be complete without looking at customer service options available through each platform too – from chatbots and phone lines right down to email support – that’s exactly what else did! At the end of our process there were two things left: writing up an honest review based on everything above; plus checking out user reviews online which helped give us even more insight into how others felt about their experiences with various Filipino dating platforms before making any final decisions ourselves. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites since most don’t offer such in-depth reviews — but then again, why should anyone settle for anything less?


All in all, Filipino dating apps are a great way to meet new people and find potential partners. They provide an easy-to-use platform that allows users to quickly connect with other singles who share similar interests. Whether you’re looking for casual hookups or something more serious, there’s sure to be an app out there that can help you find what you’re looking for. So if your love life has been feeling a bit stale lately, why not give one of these apps a try? Who knows – maybe it’ll lead you down the path towards true romance!


1. Are filipino dating apps safe?

Yes, filipino dating apps are generally safe. They use secure encryption to protect your data and have strict guidelines in place for users. Most of them also offer safety tips so you can stay safe while using the app.

2. How dangerous are filipino dating apps?

Filipino dating apps are generally safe, as long as you use them responsibly. It’s important to be aware of potential scams and not share any personal information with strangers online. Overall, it’s best to stay vigilant when using these apps but they can still be a great way to meet people!

3. How legit are filipino dating apps?

Filipino dating apps are pretty legit! I’ve tried a few myself and have had some good experiences. The best part is that you can meet people from all over the world, so it’s definitely worth giving them a try.

4. How can I stay safe on filipino dating apps?

Be sure to use a strong password, never share your personal information with anyone you don’t know and trust, and always meet in public for the first few dates.