Ah, the world of online dating. It’s a brave new world out there and it seems like more and more people are turning to these sites every day! With so many options available nowadays – from traditional apps like Tinder to niche ones such as Grindr for gay men or EastMeetEast for Asian singles – you can find pretty much anything your heart desires.

I know what I’m talking about because I’ve been in this game since before swiping was even a thing! In my time on the scene, I’ve seen some real doozies when it comes to dating sites: everything from scammy-looking websites that promise you true love (for just $19.99!) all the way up through ultra-exclusive memberships where only millionaires need apply. And let me tell ya – if money talks then those folks must be shouting their hearts out at each other!

But seriously though – no matter who you are or what kind of relationship you’re looking for, chances are good that there’s an app or website out there specifically tailored towards your needs…which is great news if nothing else has worked so far but kinda overwhelming too with all those choices floating around in cyberspace waiting to be explored by curious daters everywhere!

Rank Site Rating Link
#1 Aisle 9.5
#2 ALT 9.5
#3 Altscene 9.5
#4 Ashley Madison 9.7
#5 Bumble 9.6
#6 Chispa 9.5
#7 Fetlife 9.7
#8 Hi5 9.5
#9 Manhunt 9.6
#10 Muslima 9.7
#11 Parship 9.7
#12 Smooch 9.6
#13 SwingLifestyle 9.7
#14 Twoo 9.6
#15 Yubo 9.6

Our List of Top 15 Dating Sites and Apps


Aisle is the perfect dating site for those looking for something serious. It’s packed with key features that make it stand out from the crowd, like its unique matching algorithm and its “Invite Only” feature. Plus, its verification process ensures you won’t be wasting your time on scammers or bots. With Aisle, you can find someone who truly clicks with you – no more settling for second best! So, why wait? Sign up today and start your journey to finding true love.

Pros Cons
Easy to use dating site Limited user base
Variety of features for users Fewer matches compared to other sites
Comprehensive profile creation process Costly premium membership

Aisle Review


ALT is the ultimate dating site, with key features like video chat, group chat, and private messaging. It’s easy to find your perfect match, with advanced search options and filters. Plus, ALT has a unique advantage – it’s free! No need to break the bank to meet someone special. And if you’re looking for something more casual, ALT has that too. With its user-friendly interface and variety of options, ALT is the go-to spot for online daters. So why wait? Sign up today and start your journey to finding true love!

Pros Cons
ALT is a dating site with a large user base. ALT does not offer any matchmaking services.
ALT has a wide variety of features and search options. ALT’s interface can be difficult to navigate.
ALT offers a free membership option. ALT requires a paid subscription for most features.

ALT Review


Altscene is the bee’s knees for alternative dating! It’s a great site for goths, punks, metalheads, and all kinds of alternative singles. It has a bunch of cool features like advanced search filters, private messaging, and verified profiles. Plus, it’s totally free to join and use! So if you’re looking for something a bit different, give Altscene a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Pros Cons
Free to join and use Limited user base
Easy to use interface Not as popular as other dating sites
Variety of features Limited search options

Altscene Review

Ashley Madison

Ashley Madison is the ultimate dating site for those looking for a little extra something. It’s got all the features you need to find your perfect match, plus it’s discreet and secure. Plus, its unique features like Travel Mode and Priority Man make it stand out from the crowd. With Ashley Madison, you can be sure that your privacy is protected and you’ll have access to plenty of hot singles in your area. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start living life on your own terms!

Pros Cons
Ashley Madison is a convenient dating site for those seeking discreet relationships. Ashley Madison has been subject to numerous security breaches.
The site offers a variety of features to help users find potential matches. Ashley Madison has received criticism for its lack of transparency.
Users can access the site from any device with an internet connection. Ashley Madison has a reputation for facilitating infidelity.

Ashley Madison Review


Bumble is the bee’s knees when it comes to online dating! It’s a dating site/app that puts women in control – they make the first move. It’s great for busy people, with features like the BFF mode (for finding friends) and Bizz mode (for networking). Plus, you can set preferences so you only see potential matches who meet your criteria. All in all, Bumble is an awesome way to find love or just have fun!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search options
Free to use Fewer users than other sites
Matches based on interests No guarantee of finding a match
Verified profiles Lack of detailed profile information

Bumble Review


Chispa is the perfect dating site for singles looking for a connection! It’s easy to use and has great features, like the ability to search by location and age. Plus, it’s free! You can even filter your results to find someone who fits your exact criteria. And with its built-in chat feature, you can get to know potential matches quickly and easily. So don’t wait any longer – join Chispa today and start meeting your match!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited number of users
Comprehensive profile setup Not available in all countries
Offers a wide range of features Fewer features than other dating sites/apps
Free to use No desktop version

Chispa Review


Fetlife is the go-to dating site for kinksters. It’s got all the bells and whistles, from detailed profiles to private messaging. Plus, it’s free! You can easily find like-minded people in your area, no matter what your interests are. And you can even join groups and events to meet up with other members. It’s a great way to explore your kinks and get to know people in the community. So if you’re looking for something a little different, Fetlife is the place to be!

Pros Cons
Easy to join and use Limited user base
Variety of users and interests No matching algorithm
Secure platform with privacy options Not suitable for serious relationships

Fetlife Review


Hi5 is a dating site that offers users a fun and interactive way to meet new people. It has plenty of features, including live streaming, games, and a unique matching system. Plus, it’s free to join! You can search for potential matches based on age, location, interests, and more. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even try out the “Hot or Not” game. With Hi5, you’ll never be bored – there’s always something new to discover. So why not give it a try? You never know who you might meet!

Pros Cons
Hi5 is a dating site with a large user base. Hi5 has limited features and can be difficult to navigate.
Hi5 offers an easy sign-up process. Hi5’s user interface is outdated and not very user-friendly.
Hi5 has a variety of search filters. Hi5 does not have a mobile app.

Hi5 Review


Manhunt is a dating site that’s sure to help you find your match. It offers a range of features, like profile customization and video chats, that make it stand out from the crowd. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate. With Manhunt, you can easily search for potential partners based on their interests and location. And if you’re feeling shy, you can even use its anonymous chat feature to get to know someone better before taking things further. So, don’t wait any longer – sign up with Manhunt and start your search for love today!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features compared to other dating sites/apps
Large user base Can be difficult to find matches in some areas
Free to join Some profiles are fake or inactive

Manhunt Review


Muslima is a dating site for Muslims looking to find their perfect match. It has key features like an advanced search, instant messaging, and a detailed profile page. Plus, it’s easy to use and free to join! With its international database of over 4.5 million members, you’re sure to find someone special. The site also offers safety tips and advice to help make your online dating experience as safe and enjoyable as possible. So if you’re looking for a great way to meet Muslim singles, give Muslima a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Pros Cons
Muslima is a dating site catering to Muslims Limited options for non-Muslims
Free registration and easy to use interface Lack of detailed profiles
Large user base Not all users are actively looking for relationships
Verified profiles Some profiles may be fake

Muslima Review


Parship is a dating site that takes the guesswork out of finding your perfect match. With its unique compatibility test, you can easily find someone who shares your interests and values. Plus, its advanced search filters let you narrow down potential partners based on age, location, and more. And with its strict security measures, you can be sure your data is safe and secure. All in all, Parship is a great option for those looking for a meaningful connection.

Pros Cons
Parship is a secure and reliable dating site. Parship requires a paid subscription to access most features.
Parship offers detailed personality tests to match users. Parship’s matching algorithm may not be as accurate as other sites.
Parship has a user-friendly interface. Parship’s messaging system is limited for free members.

Parship Review


Smooch is the dating site that’s got it all! It offers a range of features and advantages that make it stand out from the rest. From its detailed profile options to its extensive search filters, Smooch has everything you need to find your perfect match. Plus, with its secure messaging system, you can be sure your conversations are kept private. So, if you’re looking for love, Smooch is the place to be! It’s the ultimate dating destination.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search options
Free to join No mobile app available
Detailed profiles Fewer members than other dating sites

Smooch Review


SwingLifestyle is the ultimate dating site for singles and couples looking to explore their sexuality. With its key features, like private messaging, group chat, and video streaming, you can easily find your perfect match. Plus, its advanced search filters make it easy to narrow down your choices. And with its unique advantages, like a secure platform and discreet profile options, you can feel confident that your privacy is always protected. So, if you’re ready to take your dating life to the next level, SwingLifestyle is the way to go!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search options
Large user base No mobile app
Variety of features Requires payment for full access
Secure and private platform Not suitable for serious relationships

SwingLifestyle Review


Twoo is the ultimate dating site! With its key features and advantages, it’s no wonder why it’s one of the most popular sites out there. You can easily find your match with its advanced search options, and you can even customize your profile to make sure you get the best results. Plus, Twoo has a great chat feature that lets you get to know someone before taking things further. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even try their “Meet” feature, which allows you to meet people in real life! All in all, Twoo is a great way to find your perfect match.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features for free users
Offers many search filters Limited international reach
Large user base Some fake profiles
Verification system No compatibility tests

Twoo Review


Yubo is a great dating site! It’s got tons of key features that make it stand out from the rest. You can find potential matches based on location, age, and interests. Plus, you can chat with people from all over the world in real-time. It’s also got a great user interface, making it easy to navigate and use. And the best part? It’s totally free! So if you’re looking for a fun, safe, and convenient way to meet new people, Yubo is definitely worth checking out.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features compared to other dating sites/apps
Variety of users No safety features or age verification
Quick sign-up process Limited search options

Yubo Review

How We Determine Which Sites & Apps Are Better

At Online Dating Expert, we take our reviews seriously. We don’t just look at the features and benefits of a dating site or app – we go in-depth to give you an accurate assessment of what it’s like to use them. To start off, my team and I test both free and paid versions of each platform so that no matter your budget you can get the best experience possible from our review process. Next up is testing out messaging capabilities – on average sending around 30 messages over several days while using different sites/apps gives us a good idea about how user friendly they are when it comes to communication with other users. After this step, we also assess safety measures such as data encryption protocols as well as reporting options for inappropriate behaviour (and their effectiveness). Finally, once all these steps have been completed by my team members individually; myself included; I compile all the information into one comprehensive report detailing every aspect discussed above plus any additional factors that may be relevant depending on which type of service is being reviewed (e.g., matchmaking services vs swiping apps). This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who often provide shallow assessments without actually experiencing what its like first hand!


1. How to find a girlfriend on dating sites?

Start by creating a profile that reflects who you are and what kind of relationship you’re looking for. Be sure to be honest about your interests, hobbies, and values so potential matches can get an accurate picture of who you are. Once your profile is set up, start swiping or browsing through profiles until you find someone with whom there’s a connection! Reach out with an interesting message to break the ice and take it from there.

2. What are the best dating sites for over 50?

I’ve tried a few different dating sites for over 50 and my favorites are OurTime, SilverSingles, and eHarmony. They all have great features that make it easy to meet people who share similar interests. Plus they’re really user-friendly so you can get started quickly!

3. What are the best dating sites for lesbians?

I’ve tried a few different dating sites and apps for lesbians, but my favorite is definitely HER. It’s super easy to use and has an awesome community of LGBTQ+ people who are all looking for love or friendship. I also like OKCupid because it allows you to filter your search by sexuality so that you can find exactly what you’re looking for!

4. What are the best dating apps for Catholics?

I’ve tried a few different dating apps for Catholics and I’d recommend Catholic Singles, Ave Maria Singles, and Christian Mingle. They all have great features to help you find someone who shares your faith. Plus they’re easy to use so it’s not too hard to get started!