Home » InterracialMatch Review: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

InterracialMatch Review: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • InterracialMatch offers a safe and secure platform for people of different races to connect.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it a great choice for those who are new to online dating.
  • The site has a wide variety of members from all over the world, so you’re sure to find someone special.
  • It can be difficult to find matches in certain areas.
  • The search function isn’t very intuitive.
  • The site can be slow to load at times.
  • The messaging system is a bit clunky.
  • The cost of membership can be prohibitive for some.

Are you looking for a way to find your happily ever after with someone outside of your race? If so, InterracialMatch might be the perfect dating site for you! But is it really worth signing up for? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at InterracialMatch and answer all your burning questions: What features does it offer? How easy is it to use? And most importantly, will it help you find love? So let’s dive in and see what InterracialMatch has to offer!


Interracialmatch is like a blind date with your worst enemy – it’s just not worth the time or money. I mean, sure, it’s an interracial dating site, but that doesn’t make up for the fact that it’s full of scammers and fake profiles. Plus, the customer service is terrible – you’re better off going to a different site if you want to find someone special. All in all, Interracialmatch is a huge waste of time and money.

How Does interracialmatch Work?

InterracialMatch is an online dating platform that caters to people who are interested in interracial relationships. It has been around since 2001 and has helped thousands of people find their perfect match. The site offers a wide range of features, including profile creation, search filters, chat rooms, and more. InterracialMatch also provides users with the ability to view profiles of other members and send messages to them.

InterracialMatch is designed to make it easy for users to find potential matches. Users can search by race, age, location, interests, and other criteria. They can also browse through photos and read profiles to get a better sense of who they may be compatible with. Additionally, users can use the chat feature to connect with other members and see if there is any chemistry.

InterracialMatch also offers a few unique features that make it stand out from other dating sites. For example, users can join the “Interracial Dating Forum” where they can discuss topics related to interracial relationships. This is a great way to learn more about the topic and meet others who are interested in the same thing. Additionally, users can also join the “Interracial Matchmakers” group which helps users find potential matches based on their interests and preferences.

Overall, InterracialMatch is a decent dating site that offers a lot of features and options for those looking for an interracial relationship. However, there are better alternatives out there that offer more features and a larger user base. Therefore, it is important to do your research before signing up for any dating site.

Design & Usability

InterracialMatch has a modern and attractive design. The site uses a combination of black, white, and grey colors to create a clean and professional look. The navigation is simple and intuitive, with all the main features easily accessible from the homepage. Users can browse through profiles, search for matches, and read articles about interracial dating without having to click too many times.

The usability of InterracialMatch is also quite good. The search function is fast and efficient, allowing users to quickly find potential matches based on their preferences. The profile pages are well-organized and provide all the necessary information about each user. Additionally, the website includes helpful tips and advice for those who are new to interracial dating.

For those who purchase a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements. For example, the ability to send unlimited messages and access advanced search filters. This makes it easier for users to find the perfect match.

Overall, InterracialMatch’s design and usability are quite good. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the profile pages could be more detailed and include more information about each user. Additionally, the website could use more images and videos to make it more visually appealing. Finally, the search filters could be more comprehensive to allow users to find more specific matches.

Signing up

The registration process on the interracialmatch website is straightforward and easy to follow. It begins with entering your gender, followed by your date of birth to verify that you are at least 18 years old. This is the minimum age requirement for using the site. After providing this information, you will be asked to create a username and password. The next step is to provide your email address and then enter a valid zip code.

You will then be asked to provide some basic information about yourself such as your ethnicity, height, body type, marital status, religion, education level, occupation, and annual income. Once this is complete, you can start creating your profile. You will need to provide a headline, a brief description of yourself, and answer some questions about your interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

The last step in the registration process is to upload a profile picture. You can choose to skip this step, but it is highly recommended that you upload a photo as it increases your chances of finding a match. Once you have completed all of these steps, you will be able to access the site and start searching for potential matches.

Interracialmatch is free to join and use. However, there are additional features available for a fee. These include advanced search options, being able to view who has viewed your profile, and sending unlimited messages.

Overall, the registration process on the interracialmatch website is simple and straightforward. It requires minimal information and takes only a few minutes to complete. As long as you are at least 18 years old, you can register and start searching for potential matches.

  • To register on InterracialMatch, the following is required:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Personal information such as age, gender, and location
  • Desired partner criteria
  • An uploaded profile photo
  • Optionally, a short bio about yourself

User Profiles

Interracialmatch user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who is a member of the site. Users can create a custom bio that includes information about themselves, such as their interests, hobbies, and relationship goals. Location information is included in each profile, but users have the option to hide it if they wish. There is no indication of the distance between users on the site.

Premium members of Interracialmatch receive additional benefits, such as unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, and the ability to view compatible matches. Premium members also have the option to verify their profile with a photo ID.

Interracialmatch does not appear to have a lot of fake profiles. The site has implemented various measures to ensure that all profiles are genuine, including manual review of new profiles and photo verification for premium members.

One area where Interracialmatch could improve its user profiles is by providing more detailed information about potential matches. Currently, profiles only provide basic information such as age, location, and interests. Providing more detailed information would help users find more compatible matches.

Help & Support

InterracialMatch provides users with various support options to ensure that they have the best experience possible. Users can access support through email, live chat, and a toll-free phone number. The response time for email and live chat is usually within 24 hours, while the response time for the toll-free phone number is typically within minutes.

In addition to these support options, InterracialMatch also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page contains answers to common questions about the website, such as how to create an account, how to upload photos, and how to use the search feature. It also includes information on billing, safety, and other topics related to using the site.

I have contacted InterracialMatch’s support team a couple of times in the past, but I never received a response or the response was not helpful. It seems like the customer service team does not take their job seriously, which is disappointing.

Overall, InterracialMatch provides users with multiple support options to ensure that they have the best experience possible. While the response time is usually good, the quality of the customer service could be improved. If you have any issues or questions, it is best to check the FAQ page first, as this will likely provide you with the answer you are looking for.

interracialmatch features

InterracialMatch is a dating platform that offers both free and paid features. The free features include creating a profile, browsing through other users’ profiles, and sending winks to potential matches. The paid features include unlimited messaging, private chat rooms, and access to the site’s advanced search filters. InterracialMatch also offers unique features such as its “Let’s Meet” game, which allows users to view random profiles and indicate whether they are interested or not.

The pricing of InterracialMatch depends on the type of subscription chosen. The basic subscription costs $19.95 per month, with discounts available for 3-month ($38.95), 6-month ($59.95), and 12-month ($95.95) subscriptions. Additionally, there is a Platinum subscription, which costs $39.95 per month and includes exclusive features such as profile highlighting, profile verification, and access to the site’s customer service team.

InterracialMatch also offers a few additional services, such as profile writing assistance and matchmaking services. These services are offered at an additional cost, but they can be helpful for those who want to make sure their profile stands out from the crowd.

Overall, InterracialMatch offers a wide range of features and services at reasonable prices. The basic subscription is affordable and provides access to most of the site’s features, while the Platinum subscription is more expensive but offers exclusive features that can help users find their perfect match. The additional services are also worth considering for those who want to get the most out of their InterracialMatch experience.

  • Secure and anonymous platform for users to meet people from different backgrounds
  • Advanced search filters to find compatible matches
  • Private messaging and chatroom features for members to communicate
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and authenticity
  • Access to a wide range of success stories to inspire users

Mobile App

Interracialmatch does not have a mobile app. This is not uncommon for dating sites, as many do not offer an app and instead focus on their website platform. Interracialmatch may not have an app due to the cost of developing and maintaining one, or because they prefer to keep all their features in one place on their website.

For those who prefer to use an app, there are other interracial dating apps available. These apps can be found in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Many of these apps are free to download, though some may require a subscription fee.

The main advantage of using a mobile app is convenience. It allows users to access their account quickly and easily from anywhere with an internet connection. Additionally, most apps offer push notifications, which allow users to stay up-to-date with new messages and activity on their profile.

However, there are also disadvantages to using a mobile app. For example, the user interface may not be as intuitive as a website, making it more difficult to navigate. Additionally, apps may not have all the features that a website has, such as advanced search filters or detailed profiles.

Overall, interracialmatch does not have a mobile app. However, there are other interracial dating apps available for those who prefer to use an app. Most of these apps are free to download, though some may require a subscription fee.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating. InterracialMatch takes this seriously, offering a range of features that help protect its users from potential harm. It has a verification process for users, ensuring that all members are genuine and authentic. The site also fights against bots and fake accounts, making sure that only real people are interacting with each other. Additionally, there is a two-step verification option available for extra security. Photos are manually reviewed to ensure they are appropriate and in line with the site’s guidelines. InterracialMatch also has a strict privacy policy, which ensures that user data is kept secure and not shared with third parties.

While InterracialMatch does offer some good safety and security features, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the site does not currently have any automated system in place to detect and remove suspicious activity or content. This means that users must rely on the manual review process to report any inappropriate behaviour. Additionally, the two-step verification process is not mandatory, meaning that some users may not take advantage of the extra security measures. Finally, while the privacy policy is comprehensive, it does not provide clear guidance on how user data is used and stored.

Overall, InterracialMatch provides some useful safety and security features, but there is still room for improvement. By introducing automated systems to detect and remove suspicious activity, implementing mandatory two-step verification, and providing clearer guidance on how user data is used and stored, the site could further enhance its safety and security measures.


InterracialMatch is a dating site that specializes in helping people find matches of different ethnic backgrounds. It offers both free and paid subscriptions, with the latter offering more features and benefits. The pricing for a paid subscription is competitive when compared to other similar sites on the market.

The basic membership is free and includes access to basic search functions, viewing profiles, and sending winks. Paid memberships come in three tiers: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Silver membership provides access to advanced search options, as well as the ability to send and receive messages. Gold membership gives users the ability to initiate video chats, as well as access to exclusive search filters. Platinum membership provides all the features of the lower levels, plus the ability to view verified profiles.

Overall, InterracialMatch offers an affordable and comprehensive range of features for its members. Those who opt for a paid subscription will enjoy a more personalized experience, as well as access to exclusive features. With its competitive pricing and range of features, InterracialMatch is a great option for those looking for an interracial match.

Subscription Option Price Features
Standard Membership $19.95/month Create a profile, browse other profiles, send winks and messages, receive emails, view compatible matches, access to blog and forums
Gold Membership $29.95/month All Standard Membership features plus: access to advanced search options, video and audio chat, initiate sending emails, read emails from other members, and access to private chat rooms
Platinum Membership $39.95/month All Gold Membership features plus: access to exclusive matchmaking services, priority customer service, and VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to InterracialMatch include eHarmony, Match.com, and EliteSingles, which all offer dating services for people of different races and backgrounds. Additionally, there are many niche sites that cater specifically to interracial relationships, such as InterracialDatingCentral and InterracialCupid.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to date outside their race
  • Best for people interested in interracial relationships
  • Best for those who want to explore different cultures and backgrounds

How we reviewed interracialmatch

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a rigorous process to review interracialmatch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users – we sent over 100 messages in total and spent around 10 days using the site.

We also conducted thorough research on the site, reading through customer reviews and assessing the features offered. We looked at the user interface, the quality of matches, and the safety measures in place. We also took into account the pricing structure and payment options available.

Finally, we took our review one step further by actually interacting with other users. We used the messaging feature to get an idea of how responsive people were and how easy it was to start conversations. We also tested out the search filters to make sure they worked properly.

This level of commitment to our review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We wanted to make sure we provided an accurate and honest assessment of interracialmatch so that readers could make an informed decision about whether or not it’s the right dating site for them.


1. Is interracialmatch free?

No, interracialmatch is not free. It’s a paid service and you have to pay to use it. Not worth the money in my opinion.

2. How does interracialmatch website work?

Interracialmatch is a dating site that encourages people to date outside of their race, which I think is wrong. It’s a pretty basic website, you create a profile and start searching for matches. It’s really not my cup of tea.

3. How many users does interracialmatch have?

I’m not impressed with interracialmatch. It’s hard to tell how many users they have, but it doesn’t seem like very many. I wouldn’t recommend this site if you’re looking for a serious relationship. It seems like it’s more of a hookup site.

4. Is interracialmatch working and can you find someone there?

I wouldn’t recommend interracialmatch. It’s not really working and it’s hard to find someone there. Plus, the site isn’t very user-friendly. Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere for a dating site.


Overall, InterracialMatch is not a good option for those looking for a dating site. The pricing structure is expensive and the usability of the website is difficult to navigate. Additionally, the registration process is lengthy and cumbersome. Furthermore, the security measures in place are not as comprehensive as other sites, making it less safe for users. Finally, the target audience of this app is limited, which can make it difficult to find a compatible match. All these factors combined make InterracialMatch an unattractive choice for those looking for a dating site.

Ethan Foster

Ethan Foster is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Harvard University, which provided him with a deep understanding of human behavior and relationships. This knowledge helped Ethan to develop his expertise in the world of online dating, allowing him to offer valuable advice about how people can make their experiences more successful. Before becoming an expert on all things related to finding love through digital means, Ethan was actually quite shy when it came to meeting potential partners face-to-face. After trying out several different platforms himself and having mixed results, he decided that he wanted to help others find success by sharing what worked well (and not so well) for him personally as well as providing helpful tips based off research findings from experts around the globe regarding best practices when it comes navigating these waters successfully . As someone who’s seen both sides – failure AND success -when it comes looking for romance digitally , Ethan understands firsthand just how daunting this process can be but also knows that there are ways you increase your chances at making connections if you know where look or have some guidance along way . That's why provides detailed reviews each platform offers its users while offering insights into what might work better than other options available today . His goal is ensure everyone finds right match whatever they're looking whether casual relationship something long term commitment oriented!

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