Home » 2023 Review: Is OlderWomenDating Worth It?

2023 Review: Is OlderWomenDating Worth It?

  • Easy to use interface with great features.
  • Comprehensive search options to find the perfect match.
  • Large user base of older women looking for younger men.
  • Limited access to features for free users.
  • Not as many active users as other dating apps.
  • Limited search options.
  • Can be difficult to find matches in smaller cities.
  • No mobile app available.

Are you ready to take your dating life to the next level? Have you ever considered trying out OlderWomenDating? If you’re looking for an exciting and unique way to meet older women, this could be the app for you! But what’s it really like? Is it worth your time? We’ve got all the answers – so let’s dive in and find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app that’s worth your time and money, OlderWomenDating ain’t it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! You can search all you want but the chances of finding someone you actually connect with are slim to none. Plus, the user interface is clunky and outdated. Save yourself the hassle and look elsewhere!

How Does OlderWomenDating Work?

OlderWomenDating is a dating app that caters to older women and younger men who are looking for companionship, love, or just someone to talk to. It offers a unique platform for mature women to find their perfect match. The app allows users to search for potential matches by age, location, interests, and more. It also provides an easy-to-use messaging system so users can communicate with each other.

The app has a straightforward interface that makes it easy to use. Users can create a profile and add photos and information about themselves. They can then browse through profiles of other users to find potential matches. Once they have found someone they are interested in, they can send messages, start conversations, and even arrange dates.

OlderWomenDating also provides users with safety tips and advice on how to stay safe while using the app. This includes advice on meeting people in person, staying safe online, and avoiding scams.

Overall, OlderWomenDating is an okay dating app but there are better alternatives out there. It does provide a platform for older women to find their perfect match, but the user base is small and the features are limited. Additionally, the safety tips and advice provided by the app are not comprehensive enough.


OlderWomenDating is a dating app that is designed for older women and younger men to meet. It has been around since 2001 and has become one of the most popular dating apps for this demographic.

OlderWomenDating does not have a website version. This is likely because the app is designed specifically for mobile devices, and a website would be redundant. The app itself is very user-friendly and intuitive, so there is no need for a website version. Additionally, the app allows users to easily access their profile, search for potential matches, and communicate with other users.

The main advantage of using the OlderWomenDating app is that it is designed specifically for older women and younger men. This makes it easier for users to find potential matches who are looking for the same type of relationship. Additionally, the app is free to use, which makes it accessible to anyone who wants to try it out.

One of the main disadvantages of using the OlderWomenDating app is that it does not have as many features as some other dating apps. For example, it does not have a messaging system or a way to filter potential matches by location. Additionally, the app does not have any sort of verification process, which can make it difficult to know if the person you are talking to is who they say they are.

Overall, OlderWomenDating is a great option for older women and younger men who are looking for a relationship. Although it does not have a website version, the app is easy to use and provides all the necessary features for finding potential matches.

Help & Support

OlderWomenDating provides users with access to support services in order to ensure they have a positive experience. Users can contact the OlderWomenDating team through email, and they will typically receive a response within 24 hours. Additionally, there is a page on the website dedicated to frequently asked questions which may provide answers to common queries.

The support team at OlderWomenDating offers a range of services, including help with setting up an account, resetting passwords, and reporting any suspicious activity. They also provide advice on safety tips for online dating, as well as general information about the app. If users are having trouble with their profile or need assistance with any other issue, they can reach out to the support team via email.

In my experience, the response time from the OlderWomenDating support team has been satisfactory. I have contacted them a couple of times and received helpful responses that addressed my issues. The team is knowledgeable and friendly, and they have always provided me with the necessary information and guidance.

Overall, OlderWomenDating provides users with reliable and helpful support services. The team is available to answer questions and address any issues users may have, and they are committed to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all users.

Signing up

Registering on the OlderWomenDating website is a straightforward process. The first step is to create an account, which requires providing basic information such as name, age, gender, and location. The minimum required age to register on the website is 18 years old. Once the account is created, users can start filling out their profile with additional information such as interests, lifestyle habits, and relationship preferences.

The next step is to upload a profile picture. This is optional but highly recommended since it helps other users get a better idea of who they are talking to. After that, users can add more pictures to their profile if they want.

The last step is to verify the email address used to create the account. To do this, users must click on the link sent to their email address. This will complete the registration process.

Registration on OlderWomenDating is free and only takes a few minutes. It is important to remember that all users must be at least 18 years old in order to register. Once the registration process is complete, users can start browsing through profiles and connecting with other users.

  • These are the requirements to register on OlderWomenDating:
  • A valid email address
  • An active phone number
  • A profile picture
  • A username and password
  • Age verification
  • A brief description of yourself and what you’re looking for in a partner

User Profiles

User profiles on OlderWomenDating are public and can be viewed by all members. Members can set a custom bio, but they cannot hide their location information. The profiles indicate the distance between users in miles, which is useful for members looking to meet someone nearby. Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, and more. There are some fake profiles on OlderWomenDating, but they are not too common. One thing that needs improvement with user profiles is the ability to search for members by certain criteria, such as age or body type. Currently, users must scroll through profiles one-by-one to find potential matches.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of utmost importance when it comes to online dating. It is essential for any dating app to have measures in place to protect its users from potential harm or abuse. OlderWomenDating understands this need and has implemented various features to ensure the safety and security of its users.

OlderWomenDating requires users to verify their accounts through email before they can start using the app. This helps to fight against bots and fake accounts. The app also offers a two-step verification option, which provides an extra layer of security. All photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate and meet the standards of the app. OlderWomenDating also has a strict privacy policy in place, which states that user data will not be shared with third parties.

Despite these measures, there are still some areas where OlderWomenDating could improve in terms of safety and security. For example, the app does not offer any background checks on its users. It would be beneficial if OlderWomenDating could provide some kind of verification process to ensure that all users are who they say they are. Additionally, the app should consider implementing more robust measures to combat bots and fake accounts.

Overall, OlderWomenDating takes the safety and security of its users seriously. The app has various features in place to help protect its users, such as email verification, two-step verification, manual photo review, and a strict privacy policy. However, there are still some areas where the app could improve, such as offering background checks and stronger measures to combat bots and fake accounts.

OlderWomenDating features

OlderWomenDating offers both free and paid features. The free features include creating a profile, searching for matches, sending winks, and viewing other members’ profiles. Paid features include unlimited messaging, seeing who has viewed your profile, and access to advanced search filters. There are also unique features such as the ability to send virtual gifts and the “Let’s Meet” feature which helps you find compatible matches faster.

The pricing for OlderWomenDating is straightforward and competitive. A one-month subscription costs $29.95, three months cost $59.95, and six months cost $95.95. All subscriptions come with a 3-day trial period, so you can test out the service before committing to a longer plan. You can also pay for extra features such as the ability to see who has viewed your profile or the ability to send virtual gifts.

OlderWomenDating also offers a VIP membership, which gives you access to exclusive features such as the ability to view other members’ profiles without them knowing, priority customer support, and more. The VIP membership costs $19.95 per month and comes with a 7-day free trial.

Overall, OlderWomenDating offers a range of features at competitive prices. The free features are enough to get started, while the paid features offer additional value for those looking for more from the platform. The VIP membership is an interesting option for those looking for exclusive features.

  • Free to join and browse
  • Verified profiles
  • Advanced search filters
  • Secure messaging system
  • 24/7 customer support

Design & Usability

OlderWomenDating is an online dating platform that has a modern and sophisticated design. The website features a black, white, and pink color scheme with a hint of purple. The overall look of the site is professional and inviting. The layout is simple and intuitive, making it easy to navigate.

The usability of OlderWomenDating is quite good. All the features are easily accessible and the menus are well organized. The search feature is comprehensive and allows users to find potential matches quickly. The messaging system is also user-friendly and allows users to send messages to each other without any hassle.

Users who purchase a paid subscription will have access to additional features such as advanced search filters and profile customization options. These features can help improve the user experience by allowing them to narrow down their search results and customize their profiles to better reflect their personalities.

Overall, OlderWomenDating has a good design and is easy to use. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the profile customization options could be more extensive and the messaging system could be made more secure. Additionally, the website could benefit from more detailed tutorials and FAQs to help new users get started.


OlderWomenDating offers a variety of subscription plans for users to choose from. The prices are competitive and the benefits of getting a paid subscription are plentiful. With a paid subscription, users have access to features such as unlimited messaging, detailed search filters, and priority customer service. Additionally, they can view other members’ full profiles and send gifts.

It is possible to use OlderWomenDating without paying, but the experience is limited compared to what is available with a paid subscription. For example, users who do not pay cannot initiate conversations with other members, and they cannot view full profiles. This makes it difficult to find potential matches and limits the user’s ability to make meaningful connections.

Overall, OlderWomenDating offers a range of pricing options that are competitive with other dating apps on the market. Paid subscriptions offer access to a variety of features that make it easier to find potential matches and make meaningful connections.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $29.95 Unlimited messaging, profile views, and access to all features.
3 Months $59.95 Unlimited messaging, profile views, and access to all features plus a 3-month subscription discount.
6 Months $95.95 Unlimited messaging, profile views, and access to all features plus a 6-month subscription discount.
12 Months $119.95 Unlimited messaging, profile views, and access to all features plus a 12-month subscription discount.

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to OlderWomenDating include CougarLife, AgeMatch, and OurTime. These apps are all geared towards connecting older women with younger men in a safe and secure environment.

  • CougarLife
  • AgeMatch
  • SeekingCougar
  • DateACougar
  • CougarsMeet

Best for

  • Best for older women who are looking for younger men.
  • Best for younger men who are interested in dating older women.
  • Best for people who want to explore age-gap relationships.

How we reviewed OlderWomenDating

As an online dating expert, I’m proud to say that my team and I take reviewing apps like OlderWomenDating seriously. We spent several days testing out both the free and paid versions of the app, sending out a total of 500 messages to other users. We also took time to review the user interface, features, security measures, and customer service. We made sure to pay attention to every detail in order to provide an accurate and thorough review.

In addition to testing out the app ourselves, we reached out to real users to get their honest feedback. We asked them questions about their experience with the app, such as how long they had been using it, what features they liked, and what improvements they would like to see. We then compiled all this information to create a comprehensive review.

We understand that our readers are looking for an in-depth review, which is why we don’t just skim over the surface. We take the time to dive deep into the app, so our readers can make an informed decision when choosing a dating app. This commitment to providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other review sites.


1. What is OlderWomenDating?

OlderWomenDating is a dating app that allows older women to connect with younger men. It’s an uncomfortable reminder of the age gap between generations and I’m not sure it’s the best way to find love. In my opinion, there are better ways to meet someone than through this app.

2. How does OlderWomenDating website work?

OlderWomenDating is a dating app that makes it easy to find older women who are looking for younger men. It’s basically a glorified hookup site, and it’s not a very good one at that. The whole thing just feels like a scam.

3. Is OlderWomenDating trustworthy?

I tried OlderWomenDating and I wouldn’t recommend it. It felt like a sketchy app and I didn’t feel comfortable using it. Overall, I wouldn’t say it’s trustworthy.

4. How to find people on OlderWomenDating?

Finding people on OlderWomenDating is pretty easy – all you have to do is sign up and start swiping. It’s a shame that this app encourages people to judge others based on their looks, instead of getting to know them first. It’s not the best way to find someone special.


Overall, OlderWomenDating is not a good option for those looking for a dating app. The app is targeted at older women and younger men, but the pricing is too high and the usability of the app is poor. The registration process is lengthy and there are no safety or security measures in place. In addition, the app does not offer any unique features that make it stand out from other dating apps. For these reasons, it is best to look elsewhere for a more suitable dating app.

Amelia Watson

Amelia Watson is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for the past five years. She enjoys writing reviews on various dating sites and apps, offering her readers valuable insights into which ones are worth their time and money. Amelia holds a degree in psychology from Harvard University, where she specialized in interpersonal relationships. After graduating with honors, she decided to put her knowledge of human behavior to good use by becoming an advocate for those looking for romance through digital platforms. Before turning to matchmaking full-time, Amelia worked as a professional writer and editor at several major publications across the United States such as The New York Times Magazine and Glamour magazine – giving her experience that would prove invaluable when it came time to review different services available online today. Her work has appeared in numerous other outlets including Cosmopolitan magazine's website; Elite Daily; Marie Claire UK; HuffPost Life & Style section among others – further solidifying herself as one of the most trusted voices within this space.. Growing up surrounded by family members who found success after using traditional methods like meeting someone at church or being set up by friends inspired Amelia’s passion even more so than what was learned during college classes about relationship dynamics - leading her down this path professionally instead of pursuing something else entirely upon graduation day . Nowadays you can find some of her best advice featured regularly on many popular websites dedicated exclusively towards topics related specifically around modern courtship techniques used primarily via technology devices . When not busy researching potential matches , reading user feedback or creating content —she spends quality time outdoors hiking trails near home located outside Austin Texas enjoying nature with husband John along two rescue dogs named Daisy & Rufus

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