Our Team

Welcome to Dating Squad! We are a team of passionate and dedicated individuals who have come together with the mission of helping you find your perfect match. Our goal is to provide honest, unbiased reviews on all dating sites and apps so that you can make an informed decision when choosing which one best suits your needs.
We understand how difficult it can be navigating through the ever-growing world of online dating services, but we want to make sure that no matter what platform or app you choose, it’s right for YOU. That’s why our experienced reviewers take into account factors such as pricing plans, user experience design (UX), safety features offered by each service provider before giving their opinion on whether they would recommend them or not.
At Dating Squad we also believe in providing useful tips & tricks along with advice from real users about how they successfully navigated through their own experiences using different platforms – this way our readers get both sides of the story: pros & cons; successes & failures; wins & losses…allowing them to better evaluate if a certain site/app is worth investing time into finding love there or not!

Our team consists out highly trained professionals who bring years upon years combined knowledge within the field – making us well equipped at being able review any type website/app available today in order give accurate feedback regarding its performance level compared against other competitors already present in market place. Each member has been carefully selected based off expertise required perform job correctly, ensuring only highest quality content produced end day.