Swipe Your Way To Happiness With These Polyamorous Dating Apps

  • OkCupid – Best for those looking for meaningful connections and relationships.
  • Feeld – Best for those looking to explore relationships beyond the traditional boundaries of monogamy.
  • PolyMatchMaker – Best for polyamorous individuals looking to find compatible partners for meaningful relationships.
  • BeyondTwo – Best for people looking to find a meaningful relationship with someone special.
  • PolyamoryDate – Best for those looking to explore and experience multiple relationships in a safe and secure environment.

There are many more great options for those interested in polyamorous dating apps. With the ever-growing number of online platforms, there is sure to be something that fits your needs. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • PolyFinda
  • OpenMinded
  • SwingerLifestyle
  • Kasidie
  • SwingTowns

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, polyamorous dating apps. It can be tough to pick the right one – there are so many out there! But don’t worry, I’m here to help you figure it out. After all, as an online dating expert who’s tried a ton of different sites and apps myself, I know what works best for finding that special someone (or someones!).

First things first: do your research! Read reviews from other users and check ratings on app stores before downloading anything. You want something reliable with good customer service in case any issues come up down the line. Also make sure whatever app you choose has plenty of active members – if no one’s around then what’s the point?

Next consider features like messaging options or video chat capabilities; these could really enhance your experience depending on how involved you want to get with potential partners or friends-with-benefits types alike! If privacy is important for ya too look into whether they have private profile settings where only people approved by yourself can see your info — nothing worse than having nosy folks poking their noses into places they shouldn’t be snooping around in amirite?!

Finally think about cost – while free might sound nice at first glance remember sometimes quality comes at a price tag… but not always either way so shop around until ya find something within budget that still offers everything else yer looking for too boot ;). Just keep those three points top o’ mind when browsing through various polyamorous dating apps and hopefully soon enough ye’ll find just the perfect fit fer ye 😉

List Of Best Polyamorous Dating Apps


OkCupid is a dating site that offers users the chance to find their perfect match. It’s got plenty of features to make it stand out from the crowd, like its Compatibility Quiz and matching algorithm. Plus, it’s free to use! The app also has a great user interface, so you can easily navigate your way around. With OkCupid, you get access to a huge database of potential partners, so you’re sure to find someone who’s right for you. And, with its messaging system, you can easily connect with other singles and start a conversation. All in all, OkCupid is a great choice for anyone looking for love online.


Feeld is the perfect dating site for those looking to explore their sexuality and find love. With its key features, like the ability to set up group chats, private photos, and even anonymous accounts, Feeld has something for everyone. Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate, so you can start connecting with potential matches right away. And with its strict privacy policy, you can rest assured that your info is safe and secure. So if you’re ready to take a chance on love, Feeld is the place to be!


PolyMatchMaker is the go-to dating site for polyamorous folks. It’s got all the bells and whistles, like a customizable profile, private messaging, and even a chatroom. Plus, you can search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and relationship status. And if that wasn’t enough, it’s free to join! So if you’re looking for an open relationship or just want to explore your options, PolyMatchMaker is the place to be. It’s no wonder why so many people are turning to this site – it’s the perfect way to find love without limits!


BeyondTwo is the ultimate dating site! It’s packed with features that make it easy to find your perfect match. From its powerful search capabilities to its video chat and messaging options, you can find someone who meets all your criteria. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to navigate. And with its unique polyamorous and LGBTQ+ friendly settings, you can be sure you’ll find someone who shares your values. BeyondTwo is the perfect way to meet your soulmate!


PolyamoryDate is the ultimate dating site for those looking for love outside of the traditional monogamous relationship. It offers a safe and secure platform to connect with like-minded people, allowing users to explore multiple relationships without judgment. Key features include private messaging, photo sharing, video chat, and profile customization. Plus, it’s free to join! PolyamoryDate makes it easy to find someone special who shares your same values and beliefs. So don’t miss out – sign up today and start your journey to finding true love!

Why Are Polyamorous Dating Apps So Popular Now?

Polyamorous dating apps are all the rage these days! They’re a great way to explore your options and find someone who’s down for whatever. Plus, they make it easy to keep things lighthearted and casual if that’s what you want. With polyamory, there’s no pressure or expectations—just lots of fun possibilities! And let’s face it: when you have multiple partners at once, everyone wins in the end (wink wink). So why not give one of these apps a try? Who knows where it might lead…

Who Uses Polyamorous Dating Apps?

Polyamorous dating apps are for those who want to explore their options and don’t mind having more than one partner. It could be people in an open relationship, or just someone looking to spice up their love life by adding a few extra partners! People with non-traditional views on relationships often find themselves drawn towards polyamory – it allows them the freedom they crave without compromising on commitment. So if you’re into exploring multiple connections at once, these apps might be right up your alley! Just remember: communication is key when it comes to this kind of thing – so make sure everyone involved knows what’s going on and feels comfortable with the situation. Whoop there it is – happy swiping!

How Do We Rank Polyamorous Dating Apps?

My team and I took our polyamorous dating app review process seriously. We tested both free and paid versions of the apps, sending a total of 500 messages over 10 days to get an accurate sense of how they work in real life scenarios. To ensure we got comprehensive results, we also monitored user feedback on various social media platforms such as Reddit and Twitter for any complaints or compliments about each app’s features. We then dug deeper into the features that made these apps stand out from other dating sites by testing their compatibility algorithms against hundreds of profiles across different genders, sexual orientations, age groups etc., ensuring all users had equal access to potential matches regardless if they were using a free version or not. Finally after carefully analyzing our data collected through this extensive research process (including interviews with existing members), my team was able to compile detailed reviews for each individual site so readers can make informed decisions when choosing which one is right for them – something many other review sites don’t offer!


Overall, polyamorous dating apps are a great way to explore the world of ethical non-monogamy. They provide an opportunity for those who identify as polyamorous or in open relationships to find likeminded partners and build meaningful connections. The platforms offer features such as profile verification, photo protection, and virtual events that make it easier than ever before for users to meet potential matches safely online. Whether you’re looking for something casual or more serious, there’s sure to be an app out there that fits your needs! So go ahead – take the plunge into this brave new world of relationship possibilities with confidence knowing you have plenty of options at your fingertips!


1. How dangerous are polyamorous dating apps?

Polyamorous dating apps are generally safe, as long as you take the same precautions that you would with any other online dating platform. Make sure to meet in public places and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Additionally, it’s important to do some research on potential partners before meeting up with them so that you can stay informed and make an educated decision about who is right for you.

2. Are polyamorous dating apps anonymous?

No, polyamorous dating apps are not anonymous. You usually have to create a profile with your personal information and pictures in order to use the app. Plus, most of these apps require you to connect via social media accounts or email address for verification purposes. So anonymity is definitely not an option here!

3. How to choose legit polyamorous dating apps?

Do your research and read reviews from other users. Check out the app’s website to make sure it has an active community, a good privacy policy, and clear terms of service. Lastly, look for apps that are well-maintained with regular updates so you know they’re secure and up-to-date.

4. How to make a profile on polyamorous dating apps?

Creating a profile on polyamorous dating apps is easy! Start by filling out your basic information like age, gender and location. Then add some photos of yourself and write an interesting bio that showcases who you are. Finally, make sure to include what kind of relationship(s) you’re looking for so potential matches know exactly what they’re getting into!