Home » 2023 Raya Review: Comprehensive Guide to Pros, Cons & User Experience

2023 Raya Review: Comprehensive Guide to Pros, Cons & User Experience

  • Raya is an exclusive and private dating app that allows users to connect with like-minded individuals.
  • It offers a unique way to meet potential partners through its sophisticated algorithm.
  • The app has a strong focus on quality, making sure only the most suitable matches are suggested.
  • It has a great user interface which makes it easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for.
  • Raya also offers a great selection of features such as chat rooms, video calls, and profile customization.
  • Limited to 8 photos in profile
  • Can be expensive if you choose the premium membership
  • Difficult to get accepted into the app

Are you ready to take a deep dive into the world of Raya? This exclusive dating app has been gaining a lot of attention lately, but is it really worth all the hype? Does it live up to its reputation as an elite dating platform? Is it the right choice for you? Let’s find out!


Raya is like the VIP section of the dating world! It’s exclusive, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for something special. I mean, who doesn’t want to feel like a celebrity when they’re swiping? Plus, the quality of matches on Raya is top-notch – you won’t find any randos here! It’s a great way to meet people who share your interests and values, and who knows, maybe even your soulmate! So if you’re ready to take your online dating game up a notch, give Raya a try – you won’t regret it!

How Does Raya Work?

Raya is an exclusive dating app that caters to a select group of individuals. It was created to provide a safe and secure platform for those looking for meaningful connections. Raya stands out from other dating apps because it requires its members to be recommended by existing members, and then approved by the app’s committee. This ensures that only high-quality, genuine people are accepted onto the platform.

Once you have been accepted onto Raya, you can start searching for potential matches. You can use the app’s advanced search filters to narrow down your search results and find people who meet your criteria. The app also has a chat feature, so you can get to know someone before meeting in person.

Raya is an excellent option for those seeking a more meaningful connection. Its exclusive nature means that all users are genuine and have been carefully vetted, making it a safe and secure platform. Furthermore, its advanced search filters and chat feature make it easy to find someone who meets your criteria and get to know them before meeting in person.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and Raya is no exception. Raya offers a few verification options for users, including manual photo review and a two-step verification process. This helps ensure that all accounts are genuine and authentic, reducing the risk of bots and fake accounts.

Raya’s privacy policy also provides a secure environment for its users. All photos are manually reviewed by moderators to ensure they are appropriate and adhere to the app’s guidelines. Additionally, user data is securely stored and never shared with third parties.

In terms of safety and security, Raya excels in several areas. The two-step verification process helps protect users from unauthorized access, while the manual photo review helps to ensure that all images are appropriate. Additionally, the app’s privacy policy ensures that user data is kept safe and secure.

Overall, Raya takes safety and security seriously. It has several features in place to help protect its users, such as manual photo review, two-step verification, and a secure privacy policy. These features help create a safe and secure environment for its users, allowing them to enjoy their online dating experience without worrying about their safety or security.

User Profiles

Raya user profiles are private and only viewable to other members. However, users can set a custom bio that is visible to all members. Location information is included in the profile but users have the option to hide it if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, however, users can search for matches within a certain radius. Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as being able to view who has liked their profile and access to exclusive events. Fake profiles are rare on Raya due to the strict vetting process for admission.

What makes Raya stand out from its competitors is its focus on creating an exclusive community. All users must be invited or approved by a current member, which creates a sense of exclusivity and trustworthiness. Additionally, Raya offers a feature called “The List”, which allows users to share their favorite artists, movies, and TV shows. This feature helps users connect with others who share similar interests.

In addition to these features, Raya also offers several safety measures to protect its users. For example, users can report suspicious activity and block any users they don’t feel comfortable interacting with. Furthermore, Raya encourages users to verify their profiles with a selfie and a valid ID. This helps ensure that all users are real people and not bots or scammers.

Overall, Raya’s user profiles provide a safe and secure platform for users to connect with like-minded individuals. The exclusive nature of the app ensures that all users are genuine and the additional safety measures help protect users from potential scams. With its unique features and commitment to safety, Raya stands out from the competition.


Raya is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It has become a popular choice for those looking for a more exclusive and curated dating experience. While Raya does not have a website version, there are several reasons why this may be the case.

For starters, Raya’s primary focus is on its mobile app. The app is designed to be easy to use and navigate, with features such as swiping, messaging, and profile customization. This makes it easier for users to find potential matches and interact with them quickly and conveniently. Additionally, the app also offers unique features such as its “Raya List” which allows users to view profiles of people they may know or have heard of.

Another reason why Raya may not have a website version is because of its focus on exclusivity. The app is invite-only and requires users to submit an application to join. This helps ensure that only the most eligible and desirable singles are able to join the platform. As such, having a website version may make it easier for those who do not meet the criteria to gain access to the platform.

Finally, it is likely that Raya does not have a website version because it does not offer many of the same features as its app counterpart. For example, the app allows users to search for potential matches based on location, age, and interests, while the website version would not be able to provide these same features. Additionally, the app allows users to send messages and photos directly to other users, something that would not be possible on the website version.

Overall, Raya does not have a website version. This is likely due to its focus on its mobile app, its exclusive nature, and the fact that it does not offer many of the same features as its app counterpart.

Signing up

Raya is a dating app that requires users to register in order to access its services. The registration process on Raya is straightforward and can be completed in a few steps.

The first step is to create an account. To do this, users must provide their email address and create a password. They will also need to enter their age and gender. The minimum required age to register on the website is 18 years old.

Once the account has been created, users are asked to provide additional information about themselves. This includes details such as their full name, occupation, interests, and location. Users can also add a profile picture.

After completing the registration form, users are required to verify their account. This can be done by clicking on a link sent to their email address. Once the account has been verified, users can begin using the app.

Raya is free to use. However, there is an option to upgrade to a premium membership. This gives users access to additional features such as being able to view who has liked them and having unlimited swipes.

In conclusion, the registration process on Raya is simple and straightforward. It requires users to provide basic information such as their email address, age, gender, and location. Additionally, users must verify their account before they can start using the app. The minimum required age to register on the website is 18 years old. Raya is free to use, but there is an option to upgrade to a premium membership.

  • To register on Raya, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile photo
  • An Instagram account
  • A short bio
  • An Apple device (iPhone or iPad)
  • A referral from an existing Raya member (optional)

Raya features

Raya is a unique platform that offers both free and paid features. The free version of Raya allows users to create an account, browse profiles, send messages, and view matches. However, the paid version unlocks additional features such as the ability to see who has liked you, access to advanced filters, and the ability to read receipts.

Raya also offers a unique feature called “The List” which allows users to find people they may have crossed paths with in real life. This feature can be accessed by swiping left or right on a profile. If two users both swipe right, they will be connected and can start chatting.

In terms of pricing, Raya offers a subscription-based model. Users can choose between a monthly plan for $7.99 per month, a quarterly plan for $19.99 every three months, or an annual plan for $59.99 per year. All plans come with a 7-day free trial.

Raya also offers a few other options for those who want to upgrade their experience. These include a “Boost” feature which allows users to get more visibility on the app, as well as the ability to purchase virtual gifts for other users.

Overall, Raya provides users with a unique platform that offers both free and paid features. With its subscription-based model and additional features such as “The List” and “Boost”, Raya is a great option for those looking to connect with others.

  • Comprehensive verification process to ensure only genuine users
  • A curated community of high-caliber individuals
  • Private, secure messaging system
  • Ability to filter potential matches by interests and preferences
  • AI-powered matchmaking algorithms to suggest compatible partners

Design & Usability

Raya’s design is clean and modern, with a predominance of white and light gray colors. The overall look is minimalist and intuitive, making it easy to navigate the app. Raya’s usability is excellent, with all features easily accessible from the main page. It also has an intuitive search bar that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for.

The subscription-based version of Raya offers several UI improvements, such as larger profile pictures, better navigation, and more options for customizing your profile. Additionally, the subscription version includes access to exclusive events and other perks.

In terms of design, Raya excels in its use of color and layout. The color palette is simple yet attractive, while the layout is easy to understand and navigate. The profile pages are also well designed, with plenty of space for users to customize their profiles.

Raya also makes use of animation and micro-interactions to create a more engaging experience. For example, when swiping through profiles, the cards animate as they move across the screen. This helps to make the user experience more enjoyable and engaging.

Overall, Raya’s design is both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. Its use of color, layout, and animation make it a pleasure to use, while its intuitive navigation and search bar make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Subscribing to the premium version provides additional UI improvements and exclusive perks, making it even more enjoyable to use.

Help & Support

Raya is a dating app that provides users with access to a network of like-minded individuals. As such, the app also offers a support system for its users. Raya’s support team is available 24/7 and can be contacted via email or through the in-app messaging feature. The response time is usually within hours, and the team is always helpful and accommodating.

In addition to direct contact with the support team, Raya also has a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page covers topics such as account setup, profile creation, troubleshooting, and more. It is an excellent resource for users who want to quickly find answers to their questions without having to contact the support team.

For those who do need to contact the support team, Raya makes it easy to do so. Users can simply click on the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the FAQ page and fill out the form. They can also use the in-app messaging feature to send a message directly to the support team.

I have personally contacted Raya’s support team a couple of times and the response was always prompt and helpful. I received a response within hours each time and the team was able to answer my questions and provide assistance.

Overall, Raya’s support system is reliable and efficient. With its 24/7 availability, quick response time, and helpful team, users can easily get the help they need when they need it. Additionally, the FAQ page is a great resource for users who want to quickly find answers to their questions.


Raya is a dating app that offers paid subscription plans. The pricing of the subscription plans range from $7.99 to $19.99 per month depending on the length of the plan. The benefits of getting a paid subscription include access to exclusive features such as seeing who has liked you, having your profile featured in the search results, and being able to send unlimited messages. Raya also offers a free version of their app, however it is limited in features and does not provide access to the same features as the paid subscription plans.

Overall, the prices of Raya’s subscription plans are competitive compared to other options on the market. Additionally, Raya’s free version provides users with an opportunity to try out the app before committing to a paid subscription plan. However, the experience of using the free version is not as robust as the paid version, so users may find themselves wanting more if they choose to use the free version.

Subscription Option Price Features
1 Month $7.99/month Unlimited access to Raya, ability to connect with other users, access to exclusive events and promotions.
3 Months $6.99/month Unlimited access to Raya, ability to connect with other users, access to exclusive events and promotions, plus a free month of membership.
6 Months $5.99/month Unlimited access to Raya, ability to connect with other users, access to exclusive events and promotions, plus two free months of membership.
12 Months $4.99/month Unlimited access to Raya, ability to connect with other users, access to exclusive events and promotions, plus four free months of membership.

Similar Apps

Other popular dating apps include Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, and OkCupid. These apps offer a variety of features and ways to meet potential partners.

  • Bumble
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Hinge
  • Tinder
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for people looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are open to meeting new people from different backgrounds.
  • Best for those who are interested in finding someone with similar interests and values.

How we reviewed Raya

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into Raya to give you the most comprehensive review possible. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the app, sending out hundreds of messages over the course of several days. We kept track of our conversations and how long it took for users to respond, as well as the quality of those responses. We also monitored the accuracy of the matchmaking algorithm, noting how many matches we received each day and how often they were relevant to our interests.

We didn’t just rely on our own experiences either; we asked other users for their feedback on the app, both positive and negative. We read through the reviews on the App Store and Google Play Store to get a better understanding of what people thought about Raya. We also spent time researching the company behind the app, learning more about their mission and values.

Finally, we looked at the overall user experience, from the onboarding process to the design of the app itself. We noted any bugs or glitches we encountered along the way and tested out all the features available.

By taking the time to go through such an in-depth review process, we are able to provide a much more comprehensive review than other review sites that don’t offer such detailed analysis. We are committed to giving our readers the best information possible so they can make informed decisions when it comes to online dating.


1. Is Raya legit?

Yes, Raya is legit! I’ve been using it for a while now and I’m really happy with the results. It’s a great way to meet people and it’s super easy to use. Highly recommend!

2. Is Raya a scam?

No, Raya is definitely not a scam! I’ve had an amazing experience using the app – it’s super easy to use and I’ve connected with some really great people. Overall, I’m very pleased with my time on Raya!

3. How much does Raya cost?

Raya is definitely worth the cost – it’s a great dating app with lots of features. The subscription fees are very reasonable and I’ve had a lot of success using it. Highly recommend giving it a try!

4. Is Raya real?

Yes, Raya is real! I’ve been using it for a while now and it’s been great. It’s definitely one of the best dating apps out there.


Overall, Raya is a great dating app for those looking for a serious relationship. It has an extensive registration process to ensure that all users are real and have similar interests. The app is secure and private, so users can be sure their data is safe. Additionally, the app is very user-friendly and reasonably priced. With its exclusive membership, Raya is ideal for those who want to meet like-minded people in a more intimate setting. All in all, Raya is an excellent choice for those looking for a quality dating experience.

Ethan Foster

Ethan Foster is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Harvard University, which provided him with a deep understanding of human behavior and relationships. This knowledge helped Ethan to develop his expertise in the world of online dating, allowing him to offer valuable advice about how people can make their experiences more successful. Before becoming an expert on all things related to finding love through digital means, Ethan was actually quite shy when it came to meeting potential partners face-to-face. After trying out several different platforms himself and having mixed results, he decided that he wanted to help others find success by sharing what worked well (and not so well) for him personally as well as providing helpful tips based off research findings from experts around the globe regarding best practices when it comes navigating these waters successfully . As someone who’s seen both sides – failure AND success -when it comes looking for romance digitally , Ethan understands firsthand just how daunting this process can be but also knows that there are ways you increase your chances at making connections if you know where look or have some guidance along way . That's why provides detailed reviews each platform offers its users while offering insights into what might work better than other options available today . His goal is ensure everyone finds right match whatever they're looking whether casual relationship something long term commitment oriented!

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